Courses that I have taught, along with some student testimonials.
Co-Instructor, Applied Machine Learning
Sep 2022–Present
Instructor: Dr. Andrew Maas
Teaching Assistant, Applied Machine Learning
Feb 2022–Sep 2022
Instructor: Dr. Andrew Maas
Head Teaching Assistant, COS 401/TRA 301: Introduction to Machine Translation
Princeton University
Jan 2021–May 2021
Instructor: Professor Srinivas Bangalore
Teaching Assistant, COS 461: Computer Networks
Princeton University
Sep 2020–Dec 2020
Instructor: Professor Kyle Jamieson
Lead Grader/Course Assistant, COS 226: Algorithms and Data Structures
Princeton University
Sep 2018–May 2019
Instructors: Dr. Kevin Wayne, Professor Arvind Narayanan
Grader/Course Assistant, COS 126: Introduction to Computer Science
Princeton University
Jan 2018–May 2018
Instructor: Dr. Dan Leyzberg
Student Testimonials
A testimonial from an interview with Emily, a CoRise Applied Machine Learning student:

Another Applied Machine Learning testimonial:

An excerpt from a Princeton student’s review of Machine Translation: